Friday, December 31, 2010

The Art I Know

Let each man exercise the art he knows.” Aristophanes 422 BC

What Art Do I Know?

I know I love teaching and have taught elementary students since 1971,

I know I love traveling and have visited every continent except Antarctica,

I know I love reading and am always reading a fiction and a nonfiction book,

I know I love history and study time lines for fun,

I know I treasure old things because I dig up my great-grandmother's bulbs each year,

I know I am curious and try to learn something new every day,

I know I felt I was at home when I first walked into the Carlos Museum,

I know that the every day, the all around us, the daily life is the art I know.


  1. You have photos! Hurray. Great post! I'll testify to the fact that your life is truly art-filled, in all its forms.

  2. Great post!! Don't forgot that you blog because you like it & it’s fun!!! Writing, Sharing, Modeling & Connecting are all fun..
    College Essays
